Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Concealed Carry Permits.

Well the Sheriff of Stanislaus County has opened the door, maybe just a crack, for citizens of good moral character and a clean background check to obtain a CCW permit. Not an easy thing to come by here in the Peoples Democratic Republik of Kalifornia. The media made a big deal out of it questioning if it was just a "political" move based on the upcoming election. The Sheriff, Adam Christansen, who in my opinion is a good guy, then took some heat about possibly "flip flopping" as the Moscow Bee (I mean Modesto Bee) said in a follow up article. Political? Somewhat, as other Sheriff's and Police Chief's have done the same due to having to lay off officers and deputies due to buget shortfalls in our present economy. It's a shame that it takes something like this to make permits easier to come by in the first place. The chief of Turlock said that crime was down by 20% in his city so he didn't really feel CCW permits were all that important. Having been a cop for over 30 years I know that the saying "When seconds count the police are only minutes away" is a very true statement. We have enough laws on the books to hang someone out to dry for a very long time if they are not suppose to have a firearm. But in the seconds when something is going from bad to Oh My God, those seconds are precious. Why is it that those in political power situations believe that government will be there to help you when your getting mugged in some dark alley or raped in a parking lot? Taking responsibility for one's own safety is not only important it's absoloutly necessary to guarantee your safety. Only time will tell how this is going to turn out in the mix, but I know an awful lot of CCW applications are flying out the door at the Sheriff's Department this week and I don't think it's going to slow down anytime soon. I mean, lets face it. The government is doing a good job with everything else. Why not trust them with your life? Yeah...enough said there.